Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Differently - abled

The politically correct term for children who are unlike most children we see is 'differently abled'. The term for children from this group was, till recently, 'mentally challenged'. And before that the moronic 'mentally retarded'.

The obvious thought came to me - we are all 'differently abled'. Some paint well, some dance well, some act well, some code well... Does this mean that all normal children expected to do the 'same' things?

Was listening to a wise man expound on how happiness is different from comfort and how we have been 'taught' the wrong language of happiness. He says, quite simply, that we have been taught that a car, a job, a girlfriend will bring us happiness when all what they bring is comfort (With a little thought - even these don't come without the baggage - worry).

One more interesting point he made was that most of us live in 'ruins' of accumulated thought - not alive to the present.

which brings me to the response i gave to a girl who asked me for gyaan - 'Never put off until tomorrow who you can do today'.


cheerio all,


Finny Forever said...

as for the joke:
nothing has ever gone to defeat the belief that techies have no sense of humour. what else?

Sid said...

I would like to know the folks who told you that you are happy when you get a car, camera or whatever crap. All these wise men seem to be hung up about the material world. They should try living it once to actually understand what it is about. First grade idiots.

Finny Forever said...

what r u referring to sids?

Finny Forever said...

cos as much as the aol man is dialectically specious and mindless of it too, he, according to the posting, is making a distinction b/w comfort and happiness. The nouns uve used are brilliantly relevant.

ravi srinivasan said...

finny, accept u'r take on blog being dialectically specious (thanks) and on me finding vitriol coming out funny.

but techies having no s.o.h - how come u didn't laugh at:

Q. why do gorillas have big nostrils?
A. Coz' they have big fingers.