Friday, May 18, 2007

Bug (ger)!

This is a small post. Had a thought some time back that said "Software bugs and stress in life are connected". This is a brief elaboration of that thought's core idea.

For those who don't know what a bug is - it is simply software not fuctioning as it should.

Bob Kembel did trainings at HCL, where I used to work. During one of these, he told us that to solve a bug, we need to know two things:
1. What should happen (the correct flow)
2. What is happening (the 'buggy' flow)

Stress is also a difference between 'What is' and 'What should'. We keep an idea of what should happen in our lives and when this is not in sync with what is happening, stress is created. This takes various forms: fear, anxiety and so many of the psychosomatic disorders that we see today.

Is there a way that will solve the second problem (in our lives), that might give us insights into how to solve the first? Wait and watch!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Digg this!

It's a nice Monday afternoon. I haven't got any work done yet and (therefore?) I'm feeling happy. And the coffee is making me put this blog down - something I'm doing after a long time.

So, what I'll do is plug some sites that I've been visiting to keep me from work.

1. Coverville is a cool podcast by Brian Ibbott. Although I'm not a big fan of his voice, I really like the stuff he plays (most of the times :). Like this morning, I heard this cover of Def Leppard's 'Photograph' that is surely better than the orig. This was on his first edition of coverville.

(These guys were under pressure but they bow(i)ed to their readers' wishes. gotta love them.

3. Wikipedia:
Ok VP I agree! Wiki is cool.

I'll slog on the bug...